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Training the Trainers

This course is aimed at the colposcopist who would like to supervise IFCPC colposcopy trainees and provide a high-quality learning environment which met the requirements of IFCPC for practical colposcopy training. 

The course combines lectures, interactive discussion and skills training with an experienced international faculty of colposcopy experts.

The aims of this course

  • To disseminate knowledge of the IFCPC colposcopy training curriculum, methods of teaching and training in Colposcopy and the assessment of trainees
  • To increase understanding and experience in current medical educational approaches to practical training
  • To increase awareness and experience in training in colposcopy to improve clinical competency of trainees and the quality of the IFCPC training programme

This is a half-day course and due to the interactive components requires attendance for the full session. There is no cost for IFCPC trainers.

The course is delivered either on-line or face-to-face at IFCPC Congress or other conferences. Send a message to  for more information.

Check out these videos on Training the Trainers

Global View of HPV Associated Cancer Elimination

The online international conference was held on January 31, 2024. The conference discussed the measures required in Israel and other countries to combat malignant tumors caused by the human papillomavirus, following the initiative of the World Health Organization which calls for increased vaccination against the virus, screening, and targeted treatment. Currently, the virus causes about 600,000 cases of cervical cancer worldwide, as well as oral and throat cancer, particularly affecting men.

The online conference also served as a tool to express support for the Israeli medical community during this difficult time. Approximately 250 doctors, both from Israel and the international community, participated in the conference.

The Israeli scientific societies participating in this event include: Israel Society for the Study and Prevention of STI (ISSSTI)
Israel Society of Colposcopy and Cervical Pathology (ISCCP)
Israel Society of Gynecological Oncologists (ISGP)
The Israeli National Academy of Medical Sciences
The Israeli Medical Association (IMA)

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On-Demand Webinar: Endocervical Lesions Management 



  • Theresa Freeman-Wang, MD; President, BSCCP; President-Elect, IFCPC
  • Jean-Luc Mergui, MD; President, IFCPC



What is a Transformation Zone Type 3
Xavier Carcopino
Endocervical Sampling Endocervical Curettage or Endocervical Brusch Jean-Luc Mergui
How to Treat an Endocervical Lesion
Deirdre Lyons
Q & A


Xavier Carcopino, MD; France
President, La Société Française de Colposcopie et de Pathologie Cervico-Vaginale (SFCPCV)

Theresa Freeman-Wang, MD; UK
President, The British Society for Colposcopy and Cervical Pathology (BSCCP); President-Elect, The International Federation of Cervical Pathology and Colposcopy (IFCPC)

Deirdre Lyons, MD; UK
President-Elect, The British Society for Colposcopy and Cervical Pathology (BSCCP)

Jean-Luc Mergui, MD; France
President, The International Federation of Cervical Pathology and Colposcopy (IFCPC)



  • No refund or cancellation.
  • All prices are shown in US Dollars.

IARC-IFCPC Distance Learning Colposcopy Course


The course is designed to train colleagues in Low and Middle Income Countries who would like to care for screen positive women and women with precancerous cervical disease. The course is in modular form and it’s components are:

  • A theoretical component delivered in the form of approximately 30 topics which are available on line.
  • 15 directly supervised cases  (at least 3 high grades).
  • 50 indirectly supervised cases (at least 10 high grades). These can be done remotely if the trainee is able to collect and share clinical images in order to have discussion with the trainer regarding colposcopy findings, selection of biopsy site and determination of treatment.
  • A log book of expected competencies which the trainee needs to achieve.
  • IFCPC recognised trainers: Each nominated course trainer will have attended an IFCPC Training the Trainers seminar and will have sufficient case throughput, clinic facilities and time to undertake the training and assessment required. The list of available trainers is available here. The list of available trainers is available here.
  • Each nominated course trainer will sign off the 2 log books and competency forms.
  • An Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE) will be organised for trainees who have satisfactorily completed the above components and been signed off by their trainers.
  • Successful examination candidates will receive an IFCPC-IARC certificate of course completion. (images, details).
  • Topics will normally include a short quiz as well as a downloadable case study.
  • A practical hands on clinic attendance is mandatory at some time during the year whereby the trainee will manage.

Once you have successfully registered for the course, within 4 days you will receive an email to allow you to enroll in the E-learning platform which hosts the course.

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Curso de Colposcopía en Español

Descripción general

El curso está diseñado para capacitar a colegas de países de ingresos bajos y medios que deseen atender a mujeres con pruebas positivas y a mujeres con enfermedad precancerosa del cuello uterino. El curso es en forma modular y sus componentes son:

  • Un componente teórico impartido en forma de aproximadamente 30 temas que están disponibles en línea.
  • 30 casos supervisados ​​directamente (la mitad casos nuevos, 10 de alto grado).
  • 70 casos supervisados ​​indirectamente (la mitad casos nuevos, 10 de alto grado).
  • Un libro de registro de las competencias esperadas que el alumno debe alcanzar.
  • Cada formador del curso nominado habrá asistido a un seminario de Capacitación de Instructores y tendrá suficiente procesamiento de casos y tiempo para realizar la capacitación y evaluación requeridas. La lista de entrenadores disponibles está disponible  aquí .
  • Cada formador del curso nominado firmará los libros de registro y el formulario de competencias.
  • Se organizará un examen clínico objetivo estructurado (OSCE) para los alumnos que hayan completado satisfactoriamente los componentes anteriores y hayan sido aprobados por sus entrenadores.
  • Los candidatos que aprueben el examen recibirán un certificado IFCPC-IARC de finalización del curso. (imágenes, detalles).
  • Los temas normalmente incluirán un cuestionario breve y un estudio de caso descargable.
  • Es obligatoria una asistencia práctica a la clínica en algún momento del año en la que el alumno se las arreglará.

Una vez que se haya registrado correctamente en el curso, dentro de 4 días recibirá un correo electrónico que le permitirá inscribirse en la plataforma de aprendizaje electrónico que alberga el curso.

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Cours de Colposcopie en Français


Le cours est conçu pour former des collègues des pays à revenu faible ou intermédiaire qui souhaitent s'occuper des femmes dépistées positives et des femmes atteintes d'une maladie cervicale précancéreuse. Le cours est sous forme modulaire et ses composants sont:

  • Un volet théorique délivré sous la forme d'une trentaine de sujets disponibles en ligne.
  • 30 cas directement supervisés (la moitié des nouveaux cas, 10 de haut grade).
  • 70 cas indirectement surveillés (la moitié des nouveaux cas, 10 de haut grade).
  • Un carnet de bord des compétences attendues que le stagiaire doit acquérir.
  • Chaque formateur de cours désigné aura assisté à un séminaire de formation des formateurs et disposera de suffisamment de dossiers et de temps pour entreprendre la formation et l'évaluation requises. La liste des formateurs disponibles est disponible ici.
  • Chaque formateur de cours désigné signera les carnets de bord et le formulaire de compétences.
  • Un examen clinique objectif structuré (ECOS) sera organisé pour les stagiaires qui ont complété de manière satisfaisante les composantes ci-dessus et ont été approuvés par leurs formateurs.
  • Les candidats retenus à l'examen recevront un certificat d'achèvement du cours IFCPC-IARC. (images, détails).
  • Les sujets comprendront normalement un court quiz ainsi qu'une étude de cas téléchargeable.
  • Une participation pratique à une clinique est obligatoire à un moment donné au cours de l'année, pendant laquelle le stagiaire se débrouillera.

Une fois votre inscription réussie au cours, vous recevrez dans les 4 jours un e-mail vous permettant de vous inscrire à la plateforme E-learning qui héberge le cours.


International Federation of Cervical Pathology and Colposcopy


International Federation of Cervical Pathology and Colposcopy
3416 Primm Lane
Birmingham, Alabama, 35216 USA

P: +001-205-823-6106



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