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Developing a strategic approach

Realising the ambitious goal of the WHO depends on a global approach which effects change in countries and regions where prevention measures are scarce and cervical cancer rates constitute a major public health problem with unacceptably high incidence and mortality rates. This will need goverment and non government agencies working hand in glove with local communities and medical experts to reduce the current marked inequities.  

In this section we showcase a selection of talks from the 2021 world congress which map out the scale of the problem and which demonstrate the need for a strategic approach.

Elimination of cervical cancer - landscape, Science and politics

Professor Lesley Regan explores the importance of engaging political will in the successful implemention of national cervical cancer prevention programmes.

Professor Lesley Regan explores the importance of engaging political will in the successful implemention of national cervical cancer prevention programmes.

A Strategic Overview of the WHO Initiative

Dr R Sankaranarayanan from IARC/WHO provides an overview here

Dr R Sankaranarayanan from IARC/WHO provides an overview here

The role of the IFCPC

Dr Carlos Peres, past president of the IFCPC provides an overview of the roles of the IFCPC in building capacity and effecting real change. Watch this video to find out more.

Dr Carlos Peres, past president of the IFCPC provides an overview of the roles of the IFCPC in building capacity and effecting real change. Watch this video to find out more

The scale of the problem and the WHO initiative.

There is a huge inequity worldwide in cervical cancer rates. Low income countries have the highest rates and biggest gaps. The global initiative of the WHO aims to address this unacceptable inequity.

In this video Dr Morker Newman provides some interesting information about the scale of the problem.

International Federation of Cervical Pathology and Colposcopy


International Federation for Cancer Prevention and Colposcopy
3416 Primm Lane
Birmingham, Alabama, 35216 USA

P: +001-205-823-6106



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