The IFCPC ConstitutionArticle I Name and Duration of the Federation
Article VI The Executive Board
Article VIII Dissolution of the Federation Article I Name and Duration of the FederationOn the 6th of November 1972 in Mar del Plata, Argentina, the International Federation for Cervical Pathology and Colposcopy was founded. Article II PurposeThe Federation intends to:
Article III MembershipSection A: Composition of Membership
Section B: Conditions of MembershipA Society which was not a member at the time of the creation of the Federation may become a member provided it fulfills the following conditions:
Section C: Termination of MembershipMembership of the Federation shall be terminated:
Article IV ContributionsEach national Society shall pay to the Federation a yearly contribution, in proportion to the number of regular members of each Society, the amount of which shall be fixed by the General Assembly. Article V General AssembliesSection A: Organization of the General AssemblyThe Federation shall have a General Assembly and an Executive Board. The General Assembly is the supreme authority of the Federation. It shall be composed of the delegates of each national Society, or their nominees, and of the members of the Executive Board.Based on the following schedule, each national Society represented at the General Assembly shall be entitled to votes proportional to its membership. Delegates of a national society owing past or current fiscal year contributions shall not vote. The ratio of membership proportionality to voting shall be calculated as follows:
The allocation of votes per national society will be fixed one year prior to the opening date of the World Congress based upon the contributions paid for that fiscal year. This level of contribution must then be maintained during the World Congress year. Section B: General Assembly Format and Agenda
The President shall be the presiding office of the General Assembly. The President shall vote only in the instance to break a tied vote. Officers of the Executive Board shall be the officers of the General Assembly. The General Assembly shall receive a report from the Executive Board regarding the general activities of the Federation. This report shall be known as the Management Report and it shall be presented by the President and/or Secretary General. When the General Assembly votes to approve the Management Report, no member of the Board shall be entitled to vote. The General Assembly shall review and accept or reject the financial statement presented by the Treasurer for the most recently concluded fiscal year and discuss the other items appearing on the agenda. Time will be allowed for the introduction of other topics for discussion by members of the General Assembly. Section C: General Assembly Voting ProcessVotes in the General Assembly shall be binding irrespective of the number of members present except when amendments to the Constitution (see Article VII, Section A) or the dissolution of the Federation (see Article VIII) are under consideration.The General Assembly delegates vote on the Agenda items, however, if a simple majority of the members present so decide, Ordinary General Assemblies may take action on items not included in the Agenda barring proposed amendments to the Constitution or dissolution of the Federation. Subject to the above instances, when a qualified majority is required by the provisions of this Constitution, decisions of the General Assembly shall be by simple majority of the members present and entitled to vote. For Extraordinary General Assemblies, a country which is not represented and is current in its contributions may cast its vote in writing on agenda items requiring a vote. Electronic voting (e.g. email) will be allowed. This provision does not apply to Ordinary General Assemblies. Article VI The Executive Board
Section A: Election and OrganizationThe Executive Board shall be elected by the General Assembly and shall consist of 15 members. It shall include the officers of the Federation who are: the President, Immediate Past-President, President-Elect, Secretary General, Treasurer, Assistant Secretary/Archivist and Assistant Treasurer. The officers of the Federation shall be elected by the General Assembly for a term of three (3) years, excluding the Secretary General and Treasurer who shall be elected for a term of six (6) years. The President cannot be elected for a second term. The Secretary General, Treasurer, Assistant Secretary/Archivist, and Assistant Treasurer may be re-elected to subsequent terms of office, without limitation.In addition to the above 7 officers, the Board shall include 8 members-at-large who should represent 8 countries selected on a rotating basis from national societies other than those of the Federation’s 7 officers. Henceforth, 4 new members-at-large will be elected for a term of six (6) years at each meeting of the General Assembly. Election of officers shall be held at each World Congress. Section B: MeetingsThe Executive Board shall conduct the activities of the Federation and shall meet once yearly unless convened more frequently by the President or at the request of at least one-third of its members. Action by the Executive Board arrived at by correspondence, including the electronic method of email, shall be valid as though the Board had actually assembled. Any vote or meeting conducted electronically must be conducted by the Board member from an email address that is consistent with the registry of Board member emails kept by the Secretary General. A quorum shall be eight (8) members of the Board present or represented. Decisions of the Executive Board shall be made by a majority of those present and shall be binding.If a member of the Executive Board is unable to attend a meeting he/she may appoint, by written proxy, either another member of the Board or another representative of his national society to represent him/her. In the event that the Board members is unable to personally request a proxy, or the Board member is unable to complete his/her term of office, the appointment of a proxy or substitute member will be made by the member’s national Society. The nominated representative must be ratified by the President. The Secretary General shall prepare minutes of the meeting of the Board and shall sign them jointly with the President. Section C: Executive Board PowersThe Executive Board shall exercise the broadest powers for the management of the affairs of the Federation. It shall establish the yearly budget and determine the use of available funds, including the location of the Federation’s offices. Section D: Standing Committees
Section E: Officers
Article VII Amendments